Doll Circus
Doll Circus is a four-piece-whirlwind from the south of Germany. The four ladies Terry Lee, Vero Pistolero, Mini Vanilli and Shake, the Snake
keep a stiff upper lip and shoot smokin’ hot Spice N’ Roll from their hips. Shake, the snake who sings is answering the questions.
We’re probably not very good at marketing, but hey, we’re in a band because we want to have fun and not because we want to study economics and algorithms or reinvent music.
What was your biggest musical failure?
Starting a band at least 10 years too late! We started only one year ago and so far everything is going pretty well. We will answer to that question in 12 months, because mistakes happen and we are sure the next failure is just around the next corner.
What was your biggest musical success?
Our song “Twenty Twenty” got played on one of Germany’s bigger radio stations. It was aired on our favourite Show “Bayern 1 Classic Rock” and the host said some very kind things about our band. We were over the moon…
Who do you look up to?
Probably everybody in the band would answer differently to this question. Basically we look up to musicians who do their own thing, not giving a **** about other opinions or marketing or money. People who carry on against all odds, people who try to make a change. Oh, and I really look up to Angus Young but in a metaphoric way because he is pretty small!
What was the first song you have ever written like?
Actually our brand new Single “Curse” was the first song we’ve ever written and played together. Of course it changed over the last year but the riff, the “f**k Trump”- lyrics and the whole vibe were pretty much there from the beginning.
Who deserves a shoutout?
We live in a wonderful environment where all of our friends play in bands and support each other. To name only one is a pretty hard task so we name at least three of them: Hellfield Conspiracy is the new project of our best friend Stefan Landinger, he worked with us on our first ever song and co-produced the new single. Mulberry Sky is the band of our producer Simon Gmach, Raygun Rebels is the band of some of our best friends (Danny and Dom Raygun) and they are always there to support and help us. We really love them.